Some characteristics of the art of using Sino-Vietnamese words in Quoc am thi tap (Nguyen Trai)Quoc Am Thi Tap is a classic piece of Vietnamese literature, particularly in the poetry genre. The work exhibits cross-cultural interchange between Vietnamese and Chinese civilizations and has a solid... Author: Kim Vu Thi Ngoc Keyword: Quoc Am Thi Tap Sino-Vietnamese terms art
Journalism in the digital age - challenges and solutions for training workThe vigorous development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought hu-manity into the digital age. Journalism and journalism training in Vietnam are facing many new problems; advantages and... Author: Phuong Le Vu Thi Keyword: Journalism digital transformation digital age
Management of training activities at political schools in the North Central region to meet the standards of political schoolsManaging training activities is both a core mission of political schools and a pivotal tool to create breakthroughs in enhancing the quality of decentralized training programs. This management plays a... Author: Minh Vuong Quang, Thanh Thai Van Keyword: Manage training activities political school standard political school North Central region.
Building a framework of criteria for assessing accountability implemen-tation results of public universities. University autonomy is the most important feature of modern education and is associated with accountability. By implementing the autonomy mechanism associated with accountability, universities will... Author: Pham Le Cuong, Pham Minh Hung Keyword: University autonomy accountability public universities criteria evaluate
Some views on history and methods of making history by Professor Dao Duy Anh through the memoir “Remembering this afternoon's thoughts”The memoir Evening Reflections - Nhớ nghĩ chiều hôm, with 30 chapters, encapsulates the turbulent life of Professor Dao Duy Anh, from his departure from Quang Binh and involvement in political... Author: Huong Ho Thi Lien Keyword: Dao Duy Anh historical perspective historical research methods
Oroxylin A, as a potential inhibitor of rheumatoid arthritis: in silico experiment based on network pharmacology and molecular dockingOroxylin A is a potential inhibitory compound that could be applied to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid arthri-tis is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease that can lead to joint damage,... Author: Nguyen Thuy Tram Thi, Cao Minh Chau Hoang, Ngu Tra Giang Thi, Thuy Phan Thi Keyword: Oroxylin A Rheumatoid arthritis network pharmacology molecular docking.
Publishing activities in Ho Chi Minh City: current situation and solutionsWith the orientation of developing publishing as a field of sharp ideological operation of the Party, State and People, an important part of advanced Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity,... Author: Van Nguyen Le Keyword: publishing activities current situation solutions Ho Chi Minh City
Training students in Architecture in the digital and artificial intelligence age
Architecture is one of the technical fields with specific scientific, aesthetic, and social characteristics. The process of training in architecture is closely linked to technological development with... Author: Son Pham Hong Keyword: Architecture students digital age artificial intelligence parametric design modern architecture.
Experimental sound correction games for children 3-6 years old after cleft lip - palate repair surgery in Ho Chi Minh cityThere have been many studies on treatment methods and phonetic support to help children with cleft lip - palate have more opportunities to integrate into everyday life. However, studies on the... Author: Nguyen Phuong Hoa, Pham Thuy Khue Tran Keyword: Children aged 3-6 cleft lip and palate sound correction game
Applying Tony Bush's educational manage-ment model to the management of Vietnamese educational institu-tionsThe article analyzes the educational management models proposed by Tony Bush and applies them to the context of educational management in Vietnam. Based on an overview of educational management and... Author: Hung Bui Văn Keyword: Management educationalmanagement models Tony Bush's management model educational institution management