Some legal issues on legal support for small and medium enterprisesThe article deals with the issue of legal support for small and medium-sized en-terprises as reflected in current legal regulations in the Law on Support for Small and Medium Enterprises 2017 and... Author: Phạm Sang Thị Huyền, Thanh Nguyen Thi Keyword: legal support small and medium sized enterprises law
Some views on history and methods of making history by Professor Dao Duy Anh through the memoir “Remembering this afternoon's thoughts”The memoir Evening Reflections - Nhớ nghĩ chiều hôm, with 30 chapters, encapsulates the turbulent life of Professor Dao Duy Anh, from his departure from Quang Binh and involvement in political... Author: Huong Ho Thi Lien Keyword: Dao Duy Anh historical perspective historical research methods
Research in Bernoulli law application for turbine water quality and wind power couplingThis article presents some of the results of Bernoulli's law in fluid dynamics for the Betz coefficient (also known as the Betz limit, which is the limit value of the conversion coefficient from wind... Author: Super Account Keyword: BERNOULLI