Vinh University Journal of Science (VUJS) is a multidisciplinary and fully peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal with a mission to help researchers publish their work for a global audience. Part of Vinh University, the journal covers all areas from natural science, engineering, and technology to social science and the humanities.
VUJS encourages interdisciplinary research that focuses on the use of new methods, techniques, and technologies; research with a significant economic, cultural, and social impact; and specific research on socio-economic conditions and management mechanisms.
VUJS also accepts technical report, book review and literature reviews.
- Double-blinded peer review: neither the authors' nor peer reviewers' identities are shared with each other.
- Abstracted & Indexed in:
- Vcgate database - VCgate
- Vietnam Journals Online – VJOL
- Google Scholar
- Crossref
Published 53 volumes including 196 issues with totally 2565 articles.
- The editorial board is made up of more than 50% of scientists outside Vinh University, with academic reputation in the country and internationally.
- Regularly published 4 issues/year of which at least 02 issues are published in English
- Median times-to-publication: 72 days.
VUJS is pleased to accept your new scientific work. Thank you!