Research on building an environmental quality monitoring management device using the Internet of Things
The paper proposes an innovative solution with a new air monitoring system that utilizes IoT technology, featuring compact, flexible, and automated nodes. This system operates without human... Author: Ho Tuyen Thi Keyword: Measurement monitoring control environment Internet of Things (IoT)
An investigation into lexical con-tents in English standardized testsThis paper aims to critically analyze lexical contents in national English standardized tests in an EFL context. Using the Compleat Lexical Tutor corpus tool, the lexical profiles of these exams are... Author: Dinh Thi Mai Anh, Tran Tien Ba Keyword: Vocabulary lexical profile word types test examination
The agrobiological characteristics of some orange varieties, including BH, Bu Ha Tinh and Ron, grown in Quy Hop, Nghe An provinceThe research was carried out on three common orange varie-ties grown in the Quy Hop district, Nghe An province, includ-ing BH, Bu Ha Tinh and Ron, by using the questionnaire on the characteristics of... Author: Toan Tran Ngoc Keyword: BH orange Bu Ha Tinh orange Ron orange
Mức độ đa dạng di truyền của một số quần đàn cá tra sử dụng chỉ thị phân tử cytochrome bĐặc điểm phân mảnh cảnh quan rừng lưu vực sông Lam Author: Super Account Keyword: Đặc điểm phân mảnh cảnh quan rừng lưu vực sông Lam