The agrobiological characteristics of some orange varieties, including BH, Bu Ha Tinh and Ron, grown in Quy Hop, Nghe An provinceThe research was carried out on three common orange varie-ties grown in the Quy Hop district, Nghe An province, includ-ing BH, Bu Ha Tinh and Ron, by using the questionnaire on the characteristics of... Author: Toan Tran Ngoc Keyword: BH orange Bu Ha Tinh orange Ron orange
Viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on the cadres in part IV of the work “Modifying the way of working” – suggestions for application in current cadre workIn October 1947, President Ho Chi Minh wrote Modifying the Way of Working under the pseudonym X.Y.Z in the Viet Bac war zone. This work comprises six parts, addressing most issues related to Party... Author: Nguyễn Anh Hữu, Bùi Cần Thị, Nguyễn Duy Văn Keyword: Ho Chi Minh cadres Modifying the Way of Working.
Enhancing network performance with improved random early detectionCongestion has become an important issue affecting the per-formance of network systems. Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithms are crucial in ensuring network stability. The first active queue... Author: Dien Vu Van Keyword: Active queue management congestion average queue size RED threshold.
Research on Heideltime with Vietnamese language processing and experimental application development and evaluationThis paper presents software development for searching and extracting temporal information from text to help users access and understand content from electronic documents stored on organizational... Author: Ha Dien Thi Hong Keyword: Text extraction natural language processing information ex-traction Vietnamese text HeidelTime
Management of training activities at political schools in the North Central region to meet the standards of political schoolsManaging training activities is both a core mission of political schools and a pivotal tool to create breakthroughs in enhancing the quality of decentralized training programs. This management plays a... Author: Minh Vuong Quang, Thanh Thai Van Keyword: Manage training activities political school standard political school North Central region.
An efficient solution for developing the overall management information system for vinh universityThis paper proposes a solution for developing the overall management information system for Vinh University in new phase of restructuring and training based on the CDIO approach. The new system is... Author: Dung Le Tuan Keyword: Computerize information system; overall management information system