Developing STEM education capacity for primary school teachers to meet the 2018 General Education Program in Ho Chi Minh CityApplying STEM education to primary schools leads to many practical benefits, in line with the trend of general education innovation. The Ministry of Education and Training deployed Official Dispatch... Author: Phan Hiệp Thái Keyword: STEM education capacity primary teachers Ho Chi Minh City
Applying of STEM topic in Electronics Practice course using project-based learning methodThe trend of educational innovation from a content approach to a competency approach raises the need to innovate teaching methods. For new innovation, learners need guidance and supports in practical... Author: Vũ Thu Thị Ngọc, Phu Hiếu Thi Ngoc Keyword: project-based learning STEM content approach competency approach educational innovation
Some measures to improve the teaching quality of the project-based “CAD in engineering” for automotive engineering students at Vinh UniversityIn the integration and development trend of education in general and university training in particular, continuous innovation of teaching methods is crucial for achieving optimal effectiveness.... Author: Minh Luong Ngoc Keyword: CAD in engineering project-based learning improving teaching quality.
Training students in Architecture in the digital and artificial intelligence age
Architecture is one of the technical fields with specific scientific, aesthetic, and social characteristics. The process of training in architecture is closely linked to technological development with... Author: Son Pham Hong Keyword: Architecture students digital age artificial intelligence parametric design modern architecture.