Compressive strength of concrete using recycled aggregates, with and without fly ash, compared to conventional concreteThis article presents the results of research evaluating the compressive strength of concrete using recycled coarse aggregate, in the case of using fly ash (CP1) and without using fly ash at a content... Author: Tien Phan Van Keyword: recycled concrete fly ash compressive strength recycled aggregate
Researching and constructing a control and monitoring system for poultry egg incubators. This article focuses on researching and constructing a system for controlling and monitoring important parameters related to the poultry egg incubation, such as temperature, humidity, egg turning,... Author: Nguyen Thu Thi Keyword: Egg incubator ESP32 Monitor Control Internet of Things
Building B-learning support materials for teaching Physics with environmental protection educationThis article presents the results of research on building learning materials in accordance with the requirements to be achieved of the thematic “Physics with Environmental Protection Education (PEPE)”... Author: HAI TUONG DUY, Thúy Tran Thanh, Anh Chu Ngoc, Chi Pham Khanh Keyword: Learning materials B-learning Physics environmental protection education
Overview of artificial intelligence applications in developing digital learning resourcesDeveloping digital learning materials, especially video lectures, is becoming an important issue in education. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has made the creation of videos easier... Author: Huế Lương Thị Minh, Vinh Nguyen The, Son Nguyen Kim, Viet Nguyen Van, Phuong Do Thi, Huong Duong Thuy Keyword: artificial intelligence video education materials prisma
Using Infographics in organizing activities to explore Stone Carving (Non Nuoc Stone Village) to develop qualities in elementary studentsA new point in the 2018 General Education Program focuses on integrating national cultural education content into Social Science subjects and experiential activities. Using Infographics in teaching is... Author: Trang Dung Thi Phuong, Bùi Thuy Thu, Luu Khang Tang Phuc Keyword: cultural value experience activities infographic grade 4 primary
Improving the quality of party development among students in Dong Nai provinceThis article studies the reality of developing party members among students at universities and colleges in Dong Nai province. Reality shows that the Provincial Party Committee has always directed the... Author: ĐẢM NGUYỄN TIẾN Keyword: Party membership development; student; Dong Nai province.
Solutions for managing pedagogical capacity training activities for primary school teachers to meet the 2018 General Education ProgramTo well realize the goal of innovation and improving the quality of education in primary schools, it is necessary to foster and develop teachers' capacity, especially pedagogical capacity. Pedagogical... Author: Dung Nguyen Tri Keyword: Training activities pedagogical capacity 2018 General Education Program primary school teachers
Applying of STEM topic in Electronics Practice course using project-based learning methodThe trend of educational innovation from a content approach to a competency approach raises the need to innovate teaching methods. For new innovation, learners need guidance and supports in practical... Author: Vũ Thu Thị Ngọc, Phu Hiếu Thi Ngoc Keyword: project-based learning STEM content approach competency approach educational innovation
Developing STEM education capacity for primary school teachers to meet the 2018 General Education Program in Ho Chi Minh CityApplying STEM education to primary schools leads to many practical benefits, in line with the trend of general education innovation. The Ministry of Education and Training deployed Official Dispatch... Author: Phan Hiệp Thái Keyword: STEM education capacity primary teachers Ho Chi Minh City
Some issues of resource exploitation for tourism development in Long An provinceAs a locality with great potential in terms of tourism resources, including natural and cultural tourism resources, however, Long An tourism has not developed commensurate with its potential. The... Author: Huong La Thuy Keyword: Tourism resources tourism resource exploitation Long An province