
Developing STEM education capacity for primary school teachers to meet the 2018 General Education Program in Ho Chi Minh City

Applying STEM education to primary schools leads to many practical benefits, in line with the trend of general education innovation. The Ministry of Education and Training deployed Official Dispatch...

Author: Phan Hiệp Thái

Keyword: STEM education capacity primary teachers Ho Chi Minh City


Urban migration and its impact on labor workers in Ho Chi Minh City

The article mentions the migration factor associated with the movement of labor in Ho Chi Minh City, specifically the number of workers by urban and rural areas by economic sector and enterprise...

Author: Phúc Đỗ Cao

Keyword: migration urban labor transition Ho Chi Minh City


Ho Chi Minh with the training of ethnic minority officials and practical meanings of building a team of ethnic minority officials in Nghe An today

The mountainous region of Vietnam accounts for three-quarters of the country's total area, is a place with a very important position in politics, foreign affairs, national defense, “a place contiguous...

Author: Nguyen tran cao

Keyword: Ho Chi Minh Ethnic minority officials staff trainning Nghe An province


A comparison between the master of TESOL program’s learning outcomes and the national framework of qualifications and the SMART principles

Learning outcome formulation is one of the first and most essential stages in program development. Previous research has acknowledged the importance of this stage and the benefits of outcome-based...

Author: Viet Huong Vu Thi

Keyword: Learning outcomes program development National Framework of Qualifications SMART principles


Current status of managing professional capacity development activities for teachers in Ho Chi Minh city primary schools to meet the 2018 General Education Program

Managing professional capacity development activities for primary school teachers is one of the factors to ensure the successful implementation of the 2018 General Education Program. This article...

Author: Phan Hiệp Thái

Keyword: Professional capacity professional capacity development status of management of professional capacity development activities primary school teachers.


“Global britain” strategy: Implementation situation and impacts on Vietnam

The article focuses on studying the UK's new strategy, “Global Britain”, after the UK left the European Union (EU). The study has shown the adjustments in the UK's global policy towards regions such...

Author: Tran Hiep

Keyword: foreign policy global strategy Global Britain Vietnam United Kingdom



Vietnamese novels from 1986 have had many changes, artists have faced many opportunities and challenges. They have to search and innovate constantly to keep pace with the times and meet the needs of...

Author: Thuy Nguyen Thi

Keyword: the method of mythization; realistic; novel.


Research on techniques to en-hance DDoS attack prevention using cumulative Sum and back-propagation algorithms

This paper focuses on enhancing DDoS attack prevention ca-pabilities through the combination of the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) algorithm and the Backpropagation method, aiming to detect attack indicators...

Author: Phuong Hoang Thi

Keyword: Network attack CUSUM algorithm Backpropagation algo-rithm Anti-spoofing DDoS attack


Viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on the cadres in part IV of the work “Modifying the way of working” – suggestions for application in current cadre work

In October 1947, President Ho Chi Minh wrote Modifying the Way of Working under the pseudonym X.Y.Z in the Viet Bac war zone. This work comprises six parts, addressing most issues related to Party...

Author: Nguyễn Anh Hữu, Bùi Cần Thị, Nguyễn Duy Văn

Keyword: Ho Chi Minh cadres Modifying the Way of Working.


Publishing activities in Ho Chi Minh City: current situation and solutions

With the orientation of developing publishing as a field of sharp ideological operation of the Party, State and People, an important part of advanced Vietnamese culture, imbued with national identity,...

Author: Van Nguyen Le

Keyword: publishing activities current situation solutions Ho Chi Minh City

Vinh University journal of science

Tạp chí khoa học Trường Đại học Vinh

ISSN: 1859 - 2228

Governing body: Vinh University

  • Address: 182 Le Duan - Vinh City - Nghe An province
  • Phone: (+84) 238.3855.452 - Fax: (+84) 238.3855.269
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License: 163/GP-BTTTT issued by the Minister of Information and Communications on May 10, 2023

Open Access License: Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0



Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Ba Tien

Deputy editor-in-chief: Dr. Phan Van Tien

Sub-Editor: Dr. Do Mai Trang

Editorial assistant: Msc. Le Tuan Dung, Msc. Phan The Hoa, Msc. Pham Thi Quynh Nga, Msc. Tran Thi Thai

  • Address: 4th Floor, Executive Building, No. 182, Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province.
  • Phone: (+84) 238-385-6700 | Hotline: (+84) 97-385-6700
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