An overview of quantum resistance digital signatures based on hash functionsFacing the challenge of developing quantum computers, quantum-resistant digital signature algorithms have been developed based on hash functions and have received the attention of many scientists.... Author: Do Bac Thi, Khit Bounsaveng Keyword: Quantum-resistant Digital signature Hash function Information security Cryptography
Creation of Bell-like state by a nonlinear quantum scissors interactive with two external coherent fields
The study described in this paper focuses on a model featuring two nonlinear oscillators, which are stimulated by two external coherent fields, and are referred to as a nonlinear quantum scissors... Author: Doan Khoa Quoc Keyword: Kerr nonlinear coupler; Bell-like state; nonlinear quantum scissors.
Overview of artificial intelligence applications in developing digital learning resourcesDeveloping digital learning materials, especially video lectures, is becoming an important issue in education. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has made the creation of videos easier... Author: Huế Lương Thị Minh, Vinh Nguyen The, Son Nguyen Kim, Viet Nguyen Van, Phuong Do Thi, Huong Duong Thuy Keyword: artificial intelligence video education materials prisma
Sentence representation using LSTM for finding questionLearning sentence representation with the full semantics of a document is a challenge in natural language processing problems because if the semantic representation vector of the sentence is suitable,... Author: Linh Dinh Khanh, Huy Tran Quang Keyword: LSTM NLPDeep learning QACQA learning sentence representation
Reality and solutions for managing conditions and facilities to support clinical internship activities of students majoring in General practitioner in Vinh city, Nghe AnThrough theoretical and practical research methods, the author has made a preliminary assessment of the reality of the management of conditions and facilities to support clinical internship activities... Author: Thanh Hien NGUYEN Thi Keyword: general practitioner clinical practice efficiency management
Medical students' evaluation about osce obstetrics and gynecologic at Vinh Medical UniversityObjective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are assessments that measure clinical competence by physically rotating students through multiple station, was the fist time organized by Obstetrics... Author: HOA LE THI MAI Keyword: OSCE medical students Vinh Medical University
Lax - Friedrichs regularization difference algorithm for traffic density forecasting problem with delayIn recent years, traffic density forecasting has been playing an important role in developing and improving the performance of intelligent traffic systems. Traffic density forecasting to optimize... Author: Dũng Nguyễn Đình Keyword: Traffic flow models Lax Fedrichs difference Delayed LWR model Regularization difference Traffic density
Reality of student satisfaction with English course of joint programs - A case study at National Economics University, VietnamThis study focused on reality of factors affecting student satisfaction with English foundation course belonging to a specific partnership program so-called International Bachelor of Finance and... Author: Linh Le Thuy Keyword: Factors student satisfaction English foundation course joint programs
Developing a medical device structures that support remote monitoring for cardiovascular patientsThis article focuses on researching and developing a medical support device with functions to monitor various health parameters of patients directly or remotely, such as body temperature, heart rate,... Author: Tran Hien Thi, Dao Hang Thi, Phi Pham Van Keyword: Medical device body temperature heart rate blood Oxygen saturation IoT
Network community detection based on improving vertex coordinates
In recent years, with the strong development of information technology, detecting communities in large real networks is a very important issue which is of interest to many scientists. Community... Author: Trung Lai Van, Nguyễn Giang Thị Thanh Keyword: Community detection random walk coordinates distance modularity