Literature review on glucosa-mine and chondroitin in osteoarthritis treatment
Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease primarily characterized by articular cartilage damage. In Vietnam, osteoarthritis accounts for a high percentage of musculoskeletal conditions, especial-ly... Author: Soa Đặng Thị, Thuy Vu Thi, Trung Nguyen Duc, Uyen Bien Thi Thuc, Yen Le Thi Hai, Linh Tran Thao, Hieu Tran Trung Keyword: glucosamine chondroitine osteoarthritis
Research in Bernoulli law application for turbine water quality and wind power couplingThis article presents some of the results of Bernoulli's law in fluid dynamics for the Betz coefficient (also known as the Betz limit, which is the limit value of the conversion coefficient from wind... Author: Super Account Keyword: BERNOULLI