Using Infographics in organizing activities to explore Stone Carving (Non Nuoc Stone Village) to develop qualities in elementary studentsA new point in the 2018 General Education Program focuses on integrating national cultural education content into Social Science subjects and experiential activities. Using Infographics in teaching is... Author: Trang Dung Thi Phuong, Bùi Thuy Thu, Luu Khang Tang Phuc Keyword: cultural value experience activities infographic grade 4 primary
Enhancing the quality of education for Lao students at Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology in the current context
In the context of the current “flat world,” developing countries like Laos, Cambodia, etc., need high-quality human resources in science and technology for their national economies. It is inevitable... Author: Nguyen Phuong Thu, Nguyen Oanh Lan, Dung Nguyen Thi Keyword: Training quality self-study self-learning skills International students overseas students
Actual situation of selecting examination and assessment methods to enhance the quality of self-learning for the computer networking courseTeaching and learning under the credit-based system has become widespread in the higher education system of Vietnam. The assessment of learning outcomes through credit-based education not only relies... Author: Dung Nguyen Thi, Nguyen Oanh Lan, Nguyen Phuong Thu, Mai Hoan Van, Vu Dung Viet, Do Luc Dinh Keyword: Examination assessment self-learning process course effectiveness and training quality
Applying the flipped classroom model to enhance the effectiveness and quality of teaching the “Database fundamentals” course at the University of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen UniversityThe article presents the process of applying the Flipped classroom model alongside traditional teaching methods during the teaching of the Database fundamentals course at the Thai Nguyen University of... Author: Trang Le Thu Keyword: Flipped Classroom teaching Model database Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology