The perceptions of the third-year students of the English linguistics program at Vinh University towards the Translation 1 course and solutions to improve the teaching of Vietnamese - English translationTranslation 1 is a compulsory course in the undergraduate English Language program at Vinh University. However, the quality of teaching this course is not yet up to expectations. This requires... Author: Nguyễn Duy Bình Keyword: translation errors Vietnamese-English translation Translation Teaching
Seasonal variation of surface water quality in the mainstream and tributaries of the Ca River BasinThe purpose of research is to assess the seasonal changes of water quality in mainstream and in specific tributaries in the Ca River Basin. Water samples were collected in the dry season (May 2021)... Author: Phuong Ho Thi, Kim Thanh Ha Thi Keyword: Water quality; nutrients; eutrophication; Ca River
Reality of student satisfaction with English course of joint programs - A case study at National Economics University, VietnamThis study focused on reality of factors affecting student satisfaction with English foundation course belonging to a specific partnership program so-called International Bachelor of Finance and... Author: Linh Le Thuy Keyword: Factors student satisfaction English foundation course joint programs
Lax - Friedrichs regularization difference algorithm for traffic density forecasting problem with delayIn recent years, traffic density forecasting has been playing an important role in developing and improving the performance of intelligent traffic systems. Traffic density forecasting to optimize... Author: Dũng Nguyễn Đình Keyword: Traffic flow models Lax Fedrichs difference Delayed LWR model Regularization difference Traffic density
Project application on teaching Intercultural Communication subject for English major third-year students at The University of Economics - Technology for IndustriesThis research article introduces project - based teaching method in addition to traditional teaching methods used in teaching Intercultural Communication subject for third - year students majoring in... Author: Thuy Nguyen Thi Le Keyword: Project-based teaching Intercultural Communication learner-centered
Research the construction of a transparent object recognition model using computer vision
and artificial intelligenceThe article focuses on researching the construction of a transparent object (glass) recognition model based on the application of computer vision techniques and artificial intelligence models. Stereo... Author: Ha Dien Thi Hong Keyword: Object recognition transparent objects computer vision depth image artificial intelligence
Students' references for extracurricular activities on campus: A case study at Vinh UniversityThis study was conducted to investigate the students’ preferences for extracurricular activities on campus and influencing factors. 210 students participated in the research, from three major groups... Author: Le Hanh Thi Tuyet, Giang Nguyen Ha, Binh Le Thai Keyword: Extracurricular activities students’ preferences activities on campus Vinh University.
Network community detection based on the angle between two vectorsRecently, the problem of community detection has attracted the attention of many scientists. Most types of networks such as computer networks, biological networks and social networks, have a community... Author: Trung Lai Van, Nguyễn Giang Thị Thanh Keyword: Community network random walk coordinates cosine algorithm undirected graph modularity.
In the field of image processing, recognition is one of the major challenges for researchers in recent years. The goal of recognition is to detect and extract features in images to classify samples... Author: Dương Đình Tú, Phan Xuan Hieu, Hoang Tuan Hiep Keyword: self-driving robot car; image processing; Convolutional Neural Network; deep learning.
Clinical and paraclinical epidemiological characteristics of Dengue hemorrhagic fever in children at Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatric hospitalDengue hemorrhagic fever is rising in many localities nationwide, including Nghe An. The movement of people carrying the Dengue virus increases the risk of an outbreak. The study aimed to describe... Author: Anh Tran Thi Kieu, Nguyen Hien Thuong Dang Keyword: Dengue hemorrhagic fever in children dengue fever Nghe An Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital