On existence of fixed points for T-quasi contractive mappings of ciric type in Sb metric spacesIn this paper, we estalibsh the existence and uniqueness of fixed point for T -quasi contractive of Ciric type in Sb-metric spaces. These results extend and generalize well-known results in documents... Author: Quan Vu Hai Keyword: Fixed point Sb-metric space quasi contraction mappingT -quasi contraction mapping.
Fixed point theorems for A-contractive mappings in boundedly compact and T-orbitally compact metric spacesIn this paper we prove some fixed point theorems for map-pings satisfying an implicit contractive conditions in metric spaces. Our re-sults improve and extend some results in the literature (Garai, L.... Author: Hoc Nguyen Huu Keyword: Boundedly compact spaces Fixed points Metric spaces $T$-orbitally compact spaces
A common fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying (E.A) - property via C-class functions in b-metric spacesIn this paper, we give and prove a common fixed point theorem for mappings satisfying (E.A)-property via C-class functions and some its corollaries in b-metric spaces. Our results are generalizations... Author: An Tran Văn Keyword: common fixed point C-class function(E.A)-property b-metric