The study aims to evaluate the environmental parameters and growth rate of snu-bnose pompano cultured in the “In Pond Raceway System - IPRS”. Fingerlings 5-6 cm in length were stocked at a density of 72 fish/m3 of 220 m3 raceway (22 m length x 5 m width x 2 m depth) and placed in a 10,500 m2 pond (125 m in length x 84 m in width) and 2.5 m depth. Fish fed by commercial pellet food (slow sinking food) contented 45-48% of protein at 7 am (30-40%) and at 4 pm (60-70%) with the feeding rate of 5-7% per day for small fish and 2-5% per day for a bigger size. After 7 months of culture, the fish achieved an average weight of 753 g. The absolute growth rate (in weight) reached 3.4 g per day, the specific growth rate (in length) 0.1 cm per day and the survival rate of 96.6%, and the total biomass reached 11,574 kg, equivalent to the produc-tivity of 52.6 kg/m3. This is an important step in the research and implementation of advanced technology in Khanh Hoa province and coastal culture areas to...
The study aims to evaluate the environmental parameters and growth rate of snu-bnose pompano cultured in the “In Pond Raceway System - IPRS”. Fingerlings 5-6 cm in length were stocked at a density of 72 fish/m3 of 220 m3 raceway (22 m length x 5 m width x 2 m depth) and placed in a 10,500 m2 pond (125 m in length x 84 m in width) and 2.5 m depth. Fish fed by commercial pellet food (slow sinking food) contented 45-48% of protein at 7 am (30-40%) and at 4 pm (60-70%) with the feeding rate of 5-7% per day for small fish and 2-5% per day for a bigger size. After 7 months of culture, the fish achieved an average weight of 753 g. The absolute growth rate (in weight) reached 3.4 g per day, the specific growth rate (in length) 0.1 cm per day and the survival rate of 96.6%, and the total biomass reached 11,574 kg, equivalent to the produc-tivity of 52.6 kg/m3. This is an important step in the research and implementation of advanced technology in Khanh Hoa province and coastal culture areas to improve production and productivity per unit of water surface area.