To meet the increasing societal demands for the quality of childcare education in preschools and the requirements of the new Preschool Education Program, it is essential that the preschool teaching staff undergo comprehensive improvements in both ethical qualities and professional standards. Using theoretical research methods, reading and analyzing legal documents, examining management and autonomy documents, as well as employing synthesis, statistical, and comparative methods, this article focuses on several key areas: an overview of professional development and preschool teacher training; an analysis of the current state of teacher quality, ethics, and professional development of preschool teachers in Thai Binh; and recommendations for renewing the management of professional development activities to improve the quality of education, take care and upbringing of children in preschools in Thai Binh province in the current period.

Vinh University journal of science

Tạp chí khoa học Trường Đại học Vinh

ISSN: 1859 - 2228

Governing body: Vinh University

  • Address: 182 Le Duan - Vinh City - Nghe An province
  • Phone: (+84) 238.3855.452 - Fax: (+84) 238.3855.269
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License: 163/GP-BTTTT issued by the Minister of Information and Communications on May 10, 2023

Open Access License: Creative Commons CC BY NC 4.0



Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Ba Tien

Deputy editor-in-chief: Dr. Phan Van Tien

Sub-Editor: Dr. Do Mai Trang

Editorial assistant: Msc. Le Tuan Dung, Msc. Phan The Hoa, Msc. Pham Thi Quynh Nga, Msc. Tran Thi Thai

  • Address: 4th Floor, Executive Building, No. 182, Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province.
  • Phone: (+84) 238-385-6700 | Hotline: (+84) 97-385-6700
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