Step 1: Sign up for an account

To begin, click on the "Register" button to create a new account. Next, check the box labeled "Author" to register as an author and submit your article to the Journal Editorial Board. Finally, click on "Continue" to proceed to the next step.

Some other cases:

- If you choose the "Readers" option: sign up to become a reader of the Journal. Readers can access and download articles from the website, and receive email alerts for new issue publications.

- If you choose the "Member" option: sign up to become a member of the Magazine. Members can access and download the most recent articles and the latest magazine issues.

- If you choose the "Reviewer" option: sign up to become a Reviewer for the Magazine.

Kindly complete the required fields including: Full Name, Password, Retype Password, and Email, then click on "Register." Subsequently, the system will promptly dispatch an activation email to the provided email address. Simply follow the link in the email to activate your account and gain access to the system.

Step 2: Sign-in and Submit

Once you click on "Log in" or "Send a Manuscript" (in Guidelines drop-down menu), a login window will appear.

- Enter your "Email Address" and "Password," then click on "Login".

- Next, select the "Author's Workbench."

- Click on the "Add new" button to begin creating a new article with following procedures:

1. Manuscript data

Complete the manuscript information: Vietnamese article name, Vietnamese summary, Vietnamese keywords

English article name, Abstract, Keywords, Reference Source, Letter to Editorial Board, Research Fields, Manuscript Type. Then press the "Continue" button to go to Step 2.

(Note: provided information should be in lower case letters)

2. Author information

For an article with a single author: Click on the edit button located in the "Actions" section to modify your personal details. After completing the edits, select "Update," and then proceed with "Continue" to move to the next step.

For articles with multiple authors: Begin by updating your information following the same process as above. Next, click on the "Add co-author" button. Input the required information for the co-author, then click "Update" and proceed with "Continue" to advance to step 3.

3. Attach the file

Attach the following files: Letters, New points, Drafts, Tables, and any related documents. Then, check the box indicating "I have read and agree to the terms..." regarding scientific journals. Finally, click on "Continue" to proceed to step 4.

4.Submit: Send your manuscript to VUJS in-house editors 

Kindly review all provided information and attachments one final time. Additionally, ensure the list of authors is accurate. Once you are confident with all details, please check the box labeled "I have checked the attachments!" and then proceed to click the "Submit" button. Following this step, your submission will be directed to our in-house editors for their attention.

 Authors can download a full version of these instructions (PDF) here